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Low level reference docs for your project.

This is a placeholder page that shows you how to use this template site.

If your project has an API, configuration, or other reference - anything that users need to look up that’s at an even lower level than a single task - put (or link to it) here. You can serve and link to generated reference docs created using Doxygen, Javadoc, or other doc generation tools by putting them in your static/ directory. Find out more in Adding static content. For OpenAPI reference, Docsy also provides a Swagger UI layout and shortcode that renders Swagger UI using any OpenAPI YAML or JSON file as source.

1 - FAQ

Frequently asked questions

Why not use the Jupyter Kernel?

The Jupyter kernel creates a dependency on the python tool chain. If you aren’t already using Python this can be a hassle. Requiring a python environment is an unnecessary dependency if all we want to do is create a simple server to execute shell commands.

If users want to execute python code they can still do it by invoking python in the cell.

  • Company building a fully autonomous SRE teammate.
  • Devops workflows built with markdown.
  • Tool to scan your K8s clusters and explain issues and potential fixes.
  • Honeycomb Query Assitant
  • Fiberplane Offer collaborative notebooks for incidement management and post-mortems
  • Kubecost Offers a Jupyter notebook interface for analyzing Kubernetes cost data.
  • k9s Offers a terminal based UI for interacting with Kubernetes.
  • Waveterm AI Open Source Terminal
  • AI based terminal which now supports notebooks